Bhumi Organic Cotton

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Bhumi's brand values are built on sustainability and conscious consumerism, in perfect synergy with #gifted's mission to cut down cut down on waste by facilitating meaningful collaborations between brands and creators. Their objective was to highlight the sustainable and ethical practices behind their offerings, emphasising the comfort, quality, and positive environmental impact of using organic cotton. Through carefully selected partnerships, Bhumi wanted authentic, on-brand content of creators truly relaxing in their home environment.


Matching with hundreds of creators, Bhumi have harnessed the power of #gifting through a broad variety of content including unboxing stories, styling video tips and room makeover videos across Instagram and TikTok. They gifted creators a selection of bedding, blankets, and sleepwear from their Organic Cotton range. With different content produced across different platforms, Bhumi is able to showcase how they bring luxury to the everyday through high ethical standards of their products, far exceeding the reach and social proof expected.


Gifts Received

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#fashion, #beauty, #lifestyle